SIRikt 2014 International Conference

26th – 30th May 2014

SIRikt 2014 International Conference - 26th – 30th May 2014

Building a MOOC platform: challenges and solutions

MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) have gained incredible popularity, and their effects have been felt by hundreds of institutions and millions of users all around the world. New learning approaches bring new technological challenges. A modern MOOC platform is not just a set of standard CMS blocks like embedded videos, discussion forums and wiki pages. It requires brand new features and technologies, like reliable peer review algorithms, adaptive learning and remote proctored exams. Many of these features are still in the experimental phase and will evolve in unpredictable directions.

Dmitry Filatov (iversity) is the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) at, Europe’s leading online platform for higher education courses (MOOCs). After earning a degree in IT and Computer Science at Saint-Petersburg State University in Russia, Dmitry went on to become the CTO and founder of BusinessMedia Software from 2003-2011, the CEO of his own start-up, DrinCash Ltd., from 2011-2012, and the Product and Project Manager for IZITEQ B.V. Dmitry joined iversity in 2013. Owing to his years of experience in product development management and backend and frontend coding, he is a results-oriented expert in complex web-based systems. His fields of interest include effective technology management, big data, NLP, mobile apps(iOS) and HA infrastructure.

Category: Programme, Wednesday