SIRikt 2014 International Conference

26th – 30th May 2014

SIRikt 2014 International Conference - 26th – 30th May 2014

Video promotion as the e-portfolio priority component in finding employment

Dejan Paska, Srednja šola za oblikovanje Maribor

The aim of this paper is to present an alternative way of creating a CV in the form of video promotion as a priority component of e-portfolio in finding an employment or a job. E-portfolio, as a modern form of the common portfolio, among collecting personal achievements also allowing alternative ways of personal presentation with the goal of seeking employment in the common European labour market.

In today’s image based world the conventional ways of finding an employment or a job are not sufficiently effective, so it is necessary to use alternative approaches, which are adjusted to our modern times. Video presentation, as a form of multimedia presentation, contains powerful rhetorical potential. The details, which are used in the video (color, image, movement, voice, music, design, tempo etc.) can convince the viewer by logic, emotion or ethic, which was realized by companies and used as far as possible in the promotion of products and services.

The purpose of this paper is not to equate the promotion of a product or a service with that of a person, but only to use some knowledge and solutions from this field. Even experts in the field of human resource management uses the phrase personal brand. Theoretical basis in the article will be substantiated by comparing the implementations of two video presentations. One is for Smiljan Škarica, a former SŠOM student and internationally renowned hairdresser, and the other is for Andreja Šiler, hairdresser student of the final year.

Category: Programme, Thursday