SIRikt 2014 International Conference

26th – 30th May 2014

SIRikt 2014 International Conference - 26th – 30th May 2014

Assessment with mobile devices

Dragica B. Banović, Šolski center Novo mesto, Srednja elektro šola in tehniška gimnazija

The development of modern information and communication technologies in the educational space introduced new methods of education as well as more modern methods of testing and assessment. Traditional textbooks and blackboards have been replaced by e-, i- or d-textbooks for use on mobile devices and interactive whiteboards. Students enthusiastically accepted the change. The only disadvantage of these tools is that students must have an appropriate mobile device.

With ICT teachers acquired means to motivate students, as well as a request to confront new challenges. Such a challenge is assessing knowledge with the help of mobile devices.

Last year I started using iPad in chemistry class. This enabled me to “overcome the gap between concrete and abstract chemical concepts and processes” (Vrtačnik, 1999). I introduced lessons with activities in which students use their own tablet computers or mobile phones. I included this in regular asessment, where I used quizzes in Moodle, which I supplemented with a variety of on-line surveys (mainly using the Google account). We learned about web application Socrative and used the Kliker voting system.

This school year we are involved in a pilot project Use of e-content and e-services, managed by the National Education Institute. A class of students of the second year was equipped with the Asus tablet computers, which provide individual work on their own devices, and which allows teachers more active forms of teaching as well as problem-based learning.

Category: Programme, Thursday