Boris Volarič, Osnovna šola bratov Polančičev Maribor
Edgar is not a web service. Edgar is not social media. Edgar is a storyteller. Usage is as simple as his definition. Primary school pupils are able to get familiar with him within less than a lesson even without the help of the teacher. In this paper we will show that anything can be as simple as that. Being able to always extract the essence from the floods of factual information, multimedia and interactive resources and then present it in seven chapters of the story. We will show how »out of the box« thinking can transform every, even the most professional topic into a story, which the students will never forget, and how we can transfer these skills to our pupils while having lots of fun. Legendary American storyteller Edgar Allan Poe was reincarnated as a web address edgartells.mewhich hides the project “Swiftly, and with style.” It is a practical example how even highly specialized topics, such as Cascading Style sheets (CSS), can be presented quite popularly. And that even nine graders can do it. Who would have thought that Edgar can combine storytelling, computer science and English? Some call it a cross-curricular integration.