Janez Černilec, Srednja ekonomska, storitvena in gradbena šola, Šolski center Kranj
In this article, we will focus on making a website for practice firm with Google website. In Slovenia, we have practice firmes for over a decade now. After reviewing the register of Slovenian practice firms, we can find out that only 18 % of Slovenian practice firms have their own websites and some of them don’t work.We can make a good website with the Google websites. Website can have a suitable content and design regarding to our needs. When we create a website, we use buttons, which we have on the Google sites. We can repair or add the html code, if, for example, we want to set up the table in the middle of the site etc. We can also insert maps about our location, Google documents, forms etc. On the Google website we can make and save our own template or we choose the available template on Google.If we want that students make good websites for practice firms, we need a proper didactic approach. If teacher prepares video guides which show the students how they have to make the website on the Google website, they can make website independetly. In this case teacher only helps students when they need a suggest.