SIRikt 2014 International Conference

26th – 30th May 2014

SIRikt 2014 International Conference - 26th – 30th May 2014

Introducing EUFolio within the project EUFolio

Suzana Cvirn Guček, Anka Novak Ćehajić, Daniela Potochnik, Tone Krajnc, Osnovna šola Mirana Jarca

Our article presents the introduction of EUFolio in Slovene and English classes in the 9th grade and English and Ethics classes in the 7th grade. The members of the project team of Elementary School Miran Jarc are English teachers Anka Novak Ćehajić and Daniela Potochnik, Slovene teacher Suzana Cvirn Guček, and Etics teacher Tone Krajnc. EUFolio is used by the pupils in the 7. b and 9. b grade. The pupils learn how to be responsible towards their school work and achievements; they are aware that with an organized planning they can improve their school results. During their work they use Mahara learning tool, they attach their school work in their folders in Mahara and at the same time they develop communication and co-operation skills. In this project the pupils cooperate in smaller groups and revise and assess their knowledge. With the help of constructive feedback of their schoolmates they improve their work and become more responsible towards their own work, the work of their schoolmates and their group. In the 9th grade we put a lot of emphasis on cross-curricular integration at the Slovene and English classes. We will present a few tasks that the students have completed.

Category: Programme, Thursday