Samo Božič, Zavod RS za šolstvo, OE Nova Gorica
In this presentation we aim to show how often teachers decided to use the e-textbook, learning management system, social networks, assessment of knowledge with ICT etc. The National Education Institute carries out monitoring of schools involved in the project Introduction and use of e-content and e-services. In the second period of monitoring instruction, from December 2013 till January 2014, we tried to determine, among other things, how teachers use ICT devices and how learners use tablets. We determined different ways of using ICT technology based on two data bases, that is observers’ records and teachers’ lesson plans. The ways teachers use ICT are represented in 14 categories while the students’ use is represented in 16 categories. For the analysis a slightly modified classification which was first used in a document Additional guidelines and didactic guidelines for a meaningful integration of ICT in teaching physics was used.