Vlasta Lah, Tina Črnič, Osnovna Šola Milke Šobar – Nataše Črnomelj
Primary School Milke Šobar – Nataše Črnomeljin the framework of the project The development of the mobile Communicator for ease of communication, supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the European Union – the European Regional Development Fund, created a modern electronic device for communication, which is based on everyday communication.
The mobile application MojKomunikator allows and aids communication for people who, for various reasons, are unable to speak. It can also be used as a tool for learning words in Slovenian language. Users require no prior knowledge as the application is simple and easy to use.
It contains basic words and communication patterns (in image, text and audio form) that are necessary for everyday communication.The user chooses among individual pictures and arranges them into sentences, played by the application. Compound sentences can be stored in a special folder.
A Web portal has been developed in the framework of the project, which allows the users operating the application on the stationary PC with personalized options of adding their own images and sounds. It is also possible to download the personalized application from the Web portal to a mobile device.
The application works on a variety of platforms. It is available in Web stores and as a Web application on the Web site https://www.mojkomunikator.si/.
In this contribution, we present more detail regarding the application MojKomunikator: in terms of content, design, features, and customization options.