mag. Irena Gole, Osnvna šola Bršljin, Novo mesto
E-learning and learning with e-textbooks represent a »window to the world« for students because they can quickly access rich sources of knowledge. Teaching one-on-one with the tablet demands flexibility and ability to overcome the traditional teaching by using modern technology. The teacher must, therefore, know their students and the advantages of this kind of learning and teaching very well as well as its challenges, which he/she must be aware of while using the tablet in the classroom. The tablets are interesting for teachers and students. They help the teacher bringing more creativity and inquiry-based learning into teaching. The students can monitor their learning, adjust it according to their own abilities and make their learning process more interesting. Using the tablet in the classroom has its advantages (the information is easily accessible), but there are also disadvantages (the teacher only leads the activities and offers support, and has no control over the activities of the students), so modern technology must be introduced with consideration. Using the tablet helps in easier adoption of learning contents, but we need to realize that this is only support and cannot substitute actual activities.