Viktor Jemec, Srednja šola Domžale
Teachers in elementary and secondary schools are more aware that we make quality passing of subject possible for pupils and students like this in regular programs of schooling, and also at supplementary activities. With acception of declaration of European parliament of No. 50/2011 from the dating of 15th March 2012, about the introduction of program » chess in schools« to educational systems in the European Union and entry of demand in resolution on national program sports and National program of sport for period between years 2014 and in 2023, that was accepted at session of committee for education, science, sport and youth of Slovene National Assembly on March 11 this year, is enabeling that Slovene teacher can develop competences on this field. In this document introduces chess as one of him very stimulative elements for development of competences pupil and students. I am already cooperating in e-schoolroom Chess on SIO, where competences of a teacher already are described, that is is good introduced machine he can use both didactic software and her efficiently at part in school and her also critically to think for use pupil or student. I organised two nationals for the first time in frame of chess association of Republic of Slovenia on field of corresponding chess in Slovenia on December 15, 2013, first: tournament of young until 12 years and other: tournament of young until 20 years.
Here are very exercised of competence teacher, that knows how with part on distance (explained both help through electronic mails and the introduction of e-učilnice), much part was with search, gathering, treatment and evaluation of chess Communist Parties with use of chess programs and through the chess engines choosing of best move. In frame of this competition and education at optional subject within last triadi and at chess clubs is necessary to write the manual on bases of playing of corresponding chess for young, to take part in e-učilnici, to consider legal and ethical principles and to finish still thorough evaluation at the end of competition, that bi in forward abolished of mistake and faults, that are appearing in this phase of development of development.