This talk is based on a research project focussing on the use of e-portfolio software Mahara with student teachers at Vienna University of Teacher Education. The presentation will emphasise the didactic versatility of Mahara, its potential to support student-centred, self-organised learning and discuss its general reception among students and professors mainly within the context of self-responsible problem-solving strategies at school practical studies (presentation of good practice examples).
Next to scientific considerations, practical applicative scenarios will be presented (e.g. how can students be teachers with Mahara? What about a certain change of paradigm in the context of roles, teacher/student=>facilitator; how does reflection take place in Mahara? How can Mahara support child-led learning?). Furthermore, the talk presents several strategic and pedagogical steps in order to implement a student-centred, collaborative e-portfolio software at university and to convince sceptical staff and students.
dr. Thomas Strasser, Vienna University of Teacher Education. Educational technologist, teacher trainer, international speaker. Research foci: Technology-enhanced (language) learning, Social Media, Web 2.0, LMS, ePortfolios, Mobile Learning. Author of scientific articles, textbooks, methodology books. Academic reviewer for various journals and international e-learning conferences. Currently on a post-doc scholarship. | @thomas_strasser