mag. Janja Jakončič, Gimnazija Poljane, Ljubljana, Tanja Ahčin, Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna, Kranj
In our article we present a case of using an ICT tool for evaluating student knowledge as an aid in preparing the students for the final exam. Part of the preparation for the final exam is answering publicly accessible exams from the previous years, with which we can test the students’ readiness for the final exam. Students are not yet sufficiently aware of the importance of pre-exam testing and feedback. Therefore teaching the students the ability of self-evaluation is a tough job, requiring expert knowledge and time from the teacher. Achieving students’ autonomy in answering tests, ensuring suitable and individually adapted content, encouraging the use of ICT in learning and looking for possibilities of use of new teaching and learning methods are all very important tasks. With that in mind we checked if we can make the process of pre-exam evaluation easier with the use of a suitable ICT tool, especially in regard to individual’s result analysis, identifying subjects with worst results, use of these data in class, encouraging cooperation between students and teacher and healthy competitiveness among students. We have categorized the tasks from old exams, integrated them in the chosen information system, connected the students and automated part of the teacher’s work. We found that we can improve the preparation for final exam, encourage remote learning, implement flipped learning, as well as use gamification for higher student motivation.