Alenka Pokeržnik, Janja Petar Ipšek, Branko Bele, Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor
Cross-curricular integration is a fixture at our school. For several years, the subject on flora has been associated in total hours of biology and geography. This year, we wanted to enhance and actualize this knowledge. Thus, we have included computer science, where students will learn about the usefulness of online journals (blogs).
The primary purpose of the project, which was attended by students of the first grade of high school of economy, was to create a web log, a blog, where students keep track of seasonal changes in vegetation in the park near the school. Students have visited the park once a month during biology lessons and there they learned about the different characteristics of the ecosystem, mainly through the use of ICT. During the project, students have learned about different types of ICT. With Vernier interfaces they measured temperature, determined the longitude and latitude. With the help of tablet computers and interactive charts students determined the species of the trees in the park. Selected trees were photographed and the photographs included in the blog. They learned how to graphically present their results.
Significant advantage of this kind of work was seen in particular in connecting the knowledge from various fields. Also, such a modus operandi makes the use of ICT technologies viability.