Majda Šubic, Osnovna šola Ivana Groharja Škofja Loka
Computer science in the cloud is an expression which is increasingly seen and used nowadays. The service enables the user to transfer the data and documents to the distant servers and can access them and work with them at different locations and on different devices (computers, iPads, Smartphones, etc.). To do that, all one needs is the internet access and suitable software.
A working day of students and teachers is more and more filled with numerous obligations. We can hardly adjust the time to location. A team of teachers used OneDrive at schoolwork. I chose OneDrive because it enables teamwork of many users in the same document at the same time. It also enables the formation of documents in Word Online programme. However, at more demanding tasks, such as the school newspaper, home reading and presentations, the students were using Microsoft Office 2010. Before using OneDrive, the basic instructions were given to the participating teachers and students. The teachers presented the task to the students. The task was done in a joint document or a file – more documents, where they presented their solutions for the given task. After using OneDrive at school work, the teachers and the students gave feedback on using OneDrive at schoolwork and forwarded the experience and some suggestions for further usage.