Janja Androić, Franci Kolar, JVIZ l. osnovna šola Rogaška Slatina
Due to constant development of computer technology new models of teaching have appeared in the recent years. One of the models is flipped learning, which combines online learning with face-to-face instruction. Learners watch online tutorials made by their teachers (or someone else) and prepare for the lesson at home. A teacher spends valuable class time assisting, coaching and guiding their learners in class. This article explains what flipped learning is, its advantages, how to prepare a video tutorial and how to flip your classroom. We flipped English lesson in 6th class. Screencasting software Camstudio and video editing software Movie Maker were used to prepare the tutorial, which was posted on Youtube. Learners watched the video at home and practiced and expanded vocabulary in class. They loved this model because they found this kind of homework different and interesting and they were very anxious to watch the tutorial. Learners were more active during the lesson than during ‘traditional’ lessons.