Simona Pustavrh, Šolski center Novo mesto, Srednja elektro šola in tehniška gimnazija
Within the Introduction and Implementation of E-Learning Contents and Services Project, teachers and the second year students of technical gymnasium (Secondary School of Electrical Engineering and Technical Gymnasium) received tablets which have appeared to be a very useful Math teaching tool. After successfully overcoming initial technological difficulties, students are now more or less regularly using tablets in Math classes. The article will introduce the influence of a new teaching tool on teaching and learning methods. The students have namely been participating in the educational process more actively because of the collaborative and experiential (inquiry-based) learning. However, the teacher continues to have an important role in class, but mostly as a mentor. Tablets proved to be most useful in experiential inquiry-based learning of mathematical functions with GeoGebra application. The article will introduce difficulties which were successfully solved, and some difficulties which haven’t been solved yet. Both, the teacher and students believe that using the new eaching tool in a class has resulted in more in-depth understanding of functions and lasting knowledge.