SIRikt 2014 International Conference

26th – 30th May 2014

SIRikt 2014 International Conference - 26th – 30th May 2014

Brain Excerice outdoors

Nives Markun Puhan, Leonida Novak, Amela Sambolić Beganović, Zavod RS za šolstvo

The purpose of the paper is to present the group orientation hike, with mental tasks at checkpoints hidden under QR codes. The activity is suitable for different age groups. Adjustments depend on the abilities of the participants. Tasks are drawn up by the pupils themselves in the form of puzzles which encourage participants to use and integration of knowledge with an emphasis on higher mental processes. By using QR codes we achieved the effect of mystery because the puzzles are not readable to the naked eye. The participants develop reading skills, are trained in careful listening, focusing on the problem of puzzles, making their own solutions. Thus encourages their creative thinking. When the group arrives to the checkpoint, one member of the group converts the QR code to text with the reader on a mobile device and reads it to the other members. Each member writes down their own answer on a piece of paper and submits it to the teacher.

At the beginning of the orientation hikers also receive pedometers. This presents another mystery to them as the teacher gives them no information about this device: neither how it works, nor what was intended for. They monitor changes on the screen of pedometers and try to determine reasons for them. Pupils test different ways of movement and identify the context between ways of movement and the value on the device.

Interpretation of the environment: fieldwork and/or modern technologies

Aleš Smrekar, Mateja Šmid Hribar, Jernej Tiran, Geografski inštitut Antona Melika, ZRC SAZU

In the Open Space we will simulate an attempt of the interpretation of the environment along the river Iška in the Ljubljana moors nature park: from presenting the geomorphological characteristics and diversity of the river basin, the role and importance of subterrainian and surface water, to the relation water – man in the past and today. The interpretation of the river Iška has been designed with an interesting educational path, with the possibility of upgrading it with entertaining e-lessons and interesting fieldwork tasks for students, which can be created by teachers on a web portal. E-lessons are prepared for three age groups (according to the syllabi) with guidelines for teachers added.

The participants will be able to do the research with the help of a web application for fieldwork tasks called “Barjanska banka” that are a great starting point for the fieldwork (more than 50 tasks for the three age groups of students), and which are primarily intended for teachers.

Creative Classroom (From Sirikt With Love – Collaborative Project Work)

Simona Granfol, Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika Ljubljana, Jerica Glavan, Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča Ivančna Gorica, Bernardka Radej, Zavod Antona Martina Slomška Maribor, Andreja Pečovnik Mencinger, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor, Maja Vičič Krabonja, Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor, Anita Poberžnik, Zavod RS za šolstvo

Being one of the work stations in the open classroom space, Creative Classroom aims to develop, test and evaluate classroom activities that promote individualization, collaboration, interactivity, innovative use of ICT, and overall time and space flexibility of learning.

The participants will be actively involved in the activities of collaborative project work, using ICT tools and applications. They will be expected to create a report about the SIRIKT 2014 Conference directly from the scene of the event. The report should be created according to the following stages of project work: brainstorming, planning, role division (each group member takes responsibility for a specific part of the task), research and making (inside and outside of classroom), presentation and in-depth reflection. The most original contributions will be published via SIRIKT 2014 and Creative Classrooms Lab Project social media.

EU-folio or how to encourage cooperation and communication (in second foreign language lessons)

Tatjana Lubej, Osnovna šola Janka Glazerja Ruše

To give feedback on the work done orally or in writing ? Which has more long-lasting effects and which is of greater value to the recipient? We will search for answers by means of a lesson presenting students’ speaking performance and then giving feedback from the teacher and students in EU-folio.

We will review the forum in the EU-folio (based on Mahara), where for each student a new thread was opened, and into which instructions for work and the evaluation criteria prepared by the students were included. The participants will look at what the authors of speaking performances have included into their topics, how other students evaluated their performance immediately after it, and how the authors managed to find the good elements of their work and made a plan for improving the bad ones.

The teacher’s task of preparing students for such type of learning and giving feedback, as well as checking students’s work and making comments on it, will be presented, too. The last part will be giving immediate feedback (in writing and orally) and estimation of its value and usefulness.

A Common language topic in a new disguise

Alenka Andrin, Andreja Čuk, Susanne Volčanšek, Zavod RS za šolstvo

The main clue of modern communication approach in language teaching and learning consists of the direct language use in various communication purposes trying to match with authentic and live close situations. The objective of the workshop is to demonstrate a language lesson with a common topic by itensifying the individual’s occupation in different learning activities supported by free applications and the use of the tablet or smart phone as a recording device.

Together we will make preparations for our birthday party. A kind video will assist us in establishing the student’s background knowledge of the topic, we will perform a short brainstorming by using the free application SimpleMind Free, we will practice an unofficial phone call, which will be recorded and shared with the other participants.

By using the activities above listening, writing and speaking skills and mostly creativity in the classroom are being developed.

Can we construct a conceptual network with a tablet computer?

Saša Kregar, Simona Slavič Kumer, Zavod RS za šolstvo

How important is it to know how our students think, organise and connect knowledge? In the Open Space partcipants will construct conceptual networks, and experience how we can find out established ways of pupils’ thinking and understanding, and how a teacher can promote the organization and integration of knowledge. We will use freely available applications for building conceptual networks on tablets. Based on familiar topic we will discover our own way of thinking and consequently develop a conceptual network. During activities participants will also learn about different applications for the creation of conceptual networks, learn how and when to use them, and identify the usability of applications in the classroom.

Using a mobile application for measurement of angles in photos as a method of teaching refraction of light

Jaka Banko, Milenko Stiplovšek, Zavod RS za šolstvo

During the open classroom session we will demonstrate the possibility of using the tablet PC in physics classroom – content section: refraction of light. Using the tablet PC, the participants will download and install an application that allows measurement of angles in the photos. Then they will take a photo of the path of a laser beam that is refracted at the boundary between air and water. The participants will change angles, measure and take a photo of the incident and the refractive angles. The values of the measured incident and the refractive angles will be compared with the results displayed by the simulation of light transition from the air into the water in an e-textbook, and they will comment on the findings of their comparison. Questions will be suggested which should encourage the best students to think. Participants will test the possibility of using the tablet PC as a device that allows immediate student feedback of measurement, calculation, observation to the teacher.

Understanding Pythagorean theorem with the use of an i-textbook

Jerneja Bone, Mateja Sirnik, Zavod RS za šolstvo

During our Open Space session some sample segments and dynamic applets from the Math i-textbook will be used. We will present how they can support students learning a new concept – Pythagorean theorem. We will focus on the use of i-textbook as a homework activity by which students will learn about a new Math concept. The importance of checking prior knowledge that can be performed by well-planned homework will be highlighted. This session will demonstrate how various forms of representation, from concrete models to i-textbooks, can be successfully integrated in Math lessons. We will compare the learning and teaching with and without i-textbooks and discuss advantages and disadvantages of both.

“My learning” about love. :) Written in my ePortfolio.

Saša Kregar, Leonida Novak in Tanja Rupnik Vec, Zavod RS za šolstvo

In the Open Space participants will explore the concept of love (biological, psychological aspect of love and love through the eyes of young people). Through this experience they will reveal the philosophy of developmental e-portfolio and learn some examples how to organize and manage teaching based on principles of formative assessment. They will also consider how the proces of formative assessment is supported and guided by the Mahara and its special tab ‘My learning’.