SIRikt 2014 International Conference

26th – 30th May 2014

SIRikt 2014 International Conference - 26th – 30th May 2014

The use of video camera in kindergarten

Dejan Čegovnik, MOJ TV d.o.o., Bernarda Hvala, Vrtec Ledina, Ljubljana

The contribution will show you possible ways to use video cameras and video playing and working in early childhood education. Children’s camera will be presented as a toy and a tool. Recordings that kids see, show them what they really are and how they are perceived by others. His performance presents an objective evaluator.

Development of the learning to learn competence with the use of ICT

mag. Damjana Krivec Čarman, Škofijska gimnazija Antona Martina Slomška

The article presents the students’ and teacher’s activities for a countinuing development of the learning to learn competence in History lessons. The activites are aimed at the first year students of Grammars school and are based on developing reading strategies, graphic organizers and learning through drawing with the use of ICT technology.

Tablet computers in the educational process of art and design and technology

Frančiška Hvalc, Osnovna šola Dobje

I present the use of tablet computers at Art and Design and Technology lessons. At the beginning of the use of tablet computers I asked myself how their use can enrich the lessons, what is the contribution to the quality of the lessons, is the knowledge of higher quality or at least the same, and about the impact of ICT on student’s motivation. Pupils used the tablet computer in various stages of the educational process: motivation, checking back, assimilation, revision, testing and evaluation. I will present two ways of use.In the lessons of Design and Technology (an expert and a parent group), pupils have completed topics about wood materials with the method of cooperative learning. Tablet computers helped them access to the school’s online classroom where they found instructions for work, worksheet, links to learning content and online classroom with e-materials for Design and Technology. At the end of cooperative learning the pupils checked acquired knowledge with a quiz about wood in the online classroom.

In Art lesson pupils assimilated a new topic Colour shades using a tablet computer (Painter). After that pupils set goals to solve artistic problems in e-portfolio, wrote down what pre-knowledge they have, strategies and after work they photographed the product and evaluated it. I found out that the pupils’ activity increased and prolonged in time, the quality of knowledge was the same, some pupils acquired even more knowledge, and the cooperation among pupils has increased.

The development of digital competences with gifted pupils

Nela Bejat Krajnc, Bor Černec, Osnovna šola Pod goro Slovenske Konjice

The concept of work with gifted pupils suggests a different way of teaching and additional activities for pupils in order to develop their strong areas, taking into account the individuality and personal interests. This paper shows an example of the use of electronic classroom as a space for the development of digital competences of the learner. We have combined both learner’s interests in a foreign language and the use of ICT. The pupil had a teacher’s role in the classroom and he searched for e-materials, under the mentorship of a teacher. These were in connection to the current lessons and had a function to facilitate understanding of the content, revision, consolidation, and motivation. The learner added web links to additional materials, inserted video clips and prepared activities for other pupils to enable developing language skills. Thus, he has deepened his own awareness and knowledge of grammatical rules, chose relevant vocabulary and activities with the help and coordination of his teacher – mentor. The learner has broadened his knowledge of foreign language, while developing learning strategies with ICT, self-regulated his own learning and developed independence and responsibility. At the same time the teacher’s role has changed and shifted from traditional teaching style to becoming a mentor, who encourages the learner’s online research and learning, taking into account his individuality, specific needs and talents.

With GeoGebra on tablet computers over the functions

Simona Pustavrh, Šolski center Novo mesto, Srednja elektro šola in tehniška gimnazija

Within the Introduction and Implementation of E-Learning Contents and Services Project, teachers and the second year students of technical gymnasium (Secondary School of Electrical Engineering and Technical Gymnasium) received tablets which have appeared to be a very useful Math teaching tool. After successfully overcoming initial technological difficulties, students are now more or less regularly using tablets in Math classes. The article will introduce the influence of a new teaching tool on teaching and learning methods. The students have namely been participating in the educational process more actively because of the collaborative and experiential (inquiry-based) learning. However, the teacher continues to have an important role in class, but mostly as a mentor. Tablets proved to be most useful in experiential inquiry-based learning of mathematical functions with GeoGebra application. The article will introduce difficulties which were successfully solved, and some difficulties which haven’t been solved yet. Both, the teacher and students believe that using the new eaching tool in a class has resulted in more in-depth understanding of functions and lasting knowledge.

Learning geometry with or without ICT?

Silva Kmetič, Zavod RS za šolstvo, Tomaž Miholič, Osnovna šola Duplek, Vinko Zobec, Osnovna šola Poljčane

The plan of instructions for the development of the concept of altitude of a triangle in elementary school we completed content objectives from the national curriculum with the general objective of teaching mathematics: a student develops mathematical thinking. The additional steps of dynamic schematisation should be taxonomic enrichment of expected students’ achievements in terms of use, understanding the concept and in terms of understanding the mathematical definition. The concept development was planned according to van Hiele scheme, which was supplemented with dynamic schematization. The activities with concrete models were intertwined with constructions using geometrical tools on paper (results are static images, symbolic and verbal descriptions), and with exploring a position of an altitude in dynamic changeable triangles. We observed the process of learning and measure progress of students’ knowledge. When observing learning, in addition to already known problems such as the uncertainty of the construction of altitude in a given triangle, depending on a type of triangle and depending on position of the triangle base with respect to the edge of the work surface (sheet), we have noticed also other less familiar misconceptions. The achievement on final testing would be hardly related just to the use of dynamic schematization, because it is a shared result of all carefully planned learning steps. We particularly tested and analyzed qualitatively students ‘dynamic’ view of the geometry in relation the topic. The result points to a necessary new learning step, which would develop the concepts of dependent and independent geometric objects in the use of dynamic geometry program.

E-portfolio of the child as the starting point for the theme planning and project work in the kindergarten

Darija Hohnjec, Vrtec Rogaška Slatina

The child’s porfolio has appeared in Slovenian preschool in 1999. During the last years the “classic” child’s portfolio that mostly appeared in paper form, has been transformed in the e-portfolio. A modern child’s portfolio is based on the same theoretical principles as before but contains evidence mostly obtained and saved with ICT. As a kindergarten teacher I have formed and used portfolios in my educational work for more than fifteenth years. Analysis and interpretations of the collected evidence help me in effective teaching of young children. Portfolios provide additional information on the strategies and the effects of children’s learning: about designing  their theories, planning, interests, problems, social commpetences of participation with their peers etc. Such monitoring allows the identification and upgrading of child’s strong and weak areas, authentic audio and video records contribute to more frequent evaluation of participants.

Children’s portfolios can also be used for a meaningful planning of activities. As example: designs of children documented in the e-portfolios were used in the project Designing of Our New Classroom. I added children’s comments to their design ideas which were drawn by hands and by Painter program, and forwarded them to our headmaster. They will be taken into consideration in renovation of our new classroom. In this case ICT documents showed rich and diverse activities and allowed the teacher to get clearer insight into learning and participation of children.

Online research learning of robotics

Andrej Koložvari, Osnovna šola Franceta Prešerna, Kranj

This article describes the role of the Internet in the educational process of young interdisciplinary science of robotics. Intelligent systems and robots are increasingly connecting to the cloud. Connection model of the robotic arm into World Wide Web is increasingly being replaced by the model of star connection of the intelligent devices and robots into the cloud. Birth of cyber-physical mechatronic systems redefines informatics controlling the mechanical movement of the actuators. We describe the development of a model of the robot that we wanted to connect to the cloud. The new model offers an open field solutions in education and elsewhere in our society. In developing the model in the classroom we used multiple Web services. Electronic materials published on the Internet are of key importance also in the field of education and development. Only the web can support dynamic growing volume of data that accompanies the rapid development of robotics. We recognize that new technology brings changes in teaching methods, devices and materials.

Introducing EUFolio within the project EUFolio

Suzana Cvirn Guček, Anka Novak Ćehajić, Daniela Potochnik, Tone Krajnc, Osnovna šola Mirana Jarca

Our article presents the introduction of EUFolio in Slovene and English classes in the 9th grade and English and Ethics classes in the 7th grade. The members of the project team of Elementary School Miran Jarc are English teachers Anka Novak Ćehajić and Daniela Potochnik, Slovene teacher Suzana Cvirn Guček, and Etics teacher Tone Krajnc. EUFolio is used by the pupils in the 7. b and 9. b grade. The pupils learn how to be responsible towards their school work and achievements; they are aware that with an organized planning they can improve their school results. During their work they use Mahara learning tool, they attach their school work in their folders in Mahara and at the same time they develop communication and co-operation skills. In this project the pupils cooperate in smaller groups and revise and assess their knowledge. With the help of constructive feedback of their schoolmates they improve their work and become more responsible towards their own work, the work of their schoolmates and their group. In the 9th grade we put a lot of emphasis on cross-curricular integration at the Slovene and English classes. We will present a few tasks that the students have completed.

EUfolio – first steps

Mitja Turk, Grm Novo mesto – center biotehnike in turizma

The article focuses on the presentation of using e-portfolio in history lessons. The school lesson “Empire of Alexander the Great” is used as a case for (self-) evaluation of the second round of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of teaching which involves the use of e-portfolio (Mahara). Presentation includes teacher’s lesson plan, worksheet and activities in the classroom and also achievements of pupils and their self-evaluation. First findings indicate that the role of the teacher in the classroom has slightly changed. Furthermore, the responsibility for the acquisition of knowledge is increasingly transferred to the student. Another important change is more individualized approach to the students because they have different background knowledge, interests and goals. When introducing e-portfolio in the classroom we encountered various obstacles both from the technical (Mahara) and content area (rubrics formative assessment).

E-portfolio model is well-formed methodology of formative assessment (goals, pre-knowledge, strategy, evidence, self-evaluation). As a development project it is a subject of gradual introduction into schools because it requires a shift in the perception of both traditional roles of teacher and student as well as a number of adjustments in the learning process.