Simona Granfol, Gimnazija Jožeta Plečnika Ljubljana, Jerica Glavan, Srednja šola Josipa Jurčiča Ivančna Gorica, Bernardka Radej, Zavod Antona Martina Slomška Maribor, Andreja Pečovnik Mencinger, Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor, Maja Vičič Krabonja, Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor, Anita Poberžnik, Zavod RS za šolstvo
Being one of the work stations in the open classroom space, Creative Classroom aims to develop, test and evaluate classroom activities that promote individualization, collaboration, interactivity, innovative use of ICT, and overall time and space flexibility of learning.
The participants will be actively involved in the activities of collaborative project work, using ICT tools and applications. They will be expected to create a report about the SIRIKT 2014 Conference directly from the scene of the event. The report should be created according to the following stages of project work: brainstorming, planning, role division (each group member takes responsibility for a specific part of the task), research and making (inside and outside of classroom), presentation and in-depth reflection. The most original contributions will be published via SIRIKT 2014 and Creative Classrooms Lab Project social media.