Jaka Banko, Milenko Stiplovšek, Zavod RS za šolstvo
During the open classroom session we will demonstrate the possibility of using the tablet PC in physics classroom – content section: refraction of light. Using the tablet PC, the participants will download and install an application that allows measurement of angles in the photos. Then they will take a photo of the path of a laser beam that is refracted at the boundary between air and water. The participants will change angles, measure and take a photo of the incident and the refractive angles. The values of the measured incident and the refractive angles will be compared with the results displayed by the simulation of light transition from the air into the water in an e-textbook, and they will comment on the findings of their comparison. Questions will be suggested which should encourage the best students to think. Participants will test the possibility of using the tablet PC as a device that allows immediate student feedback of measurement, calculation, observation to the teacher.